VRNs (07/31/2011) - As VRNs reported, on 30/07/2011 19g00 day at the Temple of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Hanoi was held Mass and candlelight ceremony to pray for the territorial integrity, doctorate in law prayed for Cu Huy Ha Vu going on trial in Hanoi on 08/02/2011, praying for a new father Tadeo Nguyen Van Ly was arrested while carrying the disease, ...
Approximately 10 Redemptorist priests concelebrated Mass this.Presided and preached the superior of the Redemptorist priest Hanoi, Matthew Vu Khoi Phung. A great many of you come to Mass, especially the presence of Joseph's lawyer Le Quoc Quan, Pham Hong Son, ...
In his homily, Father Vu Khoi Phung based on the story in the Gospel of the Sunday Mass XVIII Annual A recounts the courage of John the Baptist. When he saw the injustice and inhuman around him, John had the courage to speak out, and finally beheaded him ...
He said that Father Ly and his doctorate in law Cu Huy Ha Vu also shadow the courage of John the Baptist ... He did not forget to mention blogger Dieu Cay - Nguyen Van Hai ... Besides, the children of the Church as it all went away?
During the candlelight prayer before the Queen of justice, a huge banner was unfurled high, with the content "Pray for the new father Tadeo Nguyen Van Ly was arrested back home rights", "Pray for Dr. Law Cu Huy Ha Vu Ha Noi authorities have tried for patriotism, "... along with the picture of Father Ly and his doctorate in law CHHV.
Please invite your readers to listen to audio sermons of Father Vu Khoi Phung.
Tonight, the Temple of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saigon, 38 Ky Dong Street, District 3 and candlelight communion and prayer in the Mass at 20g00.
Here are some pictures taken at the Thai Ha at 30/07/2011:
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